

1) Define stereotypes

2) Help kids identify stereotypes from their personal experience: all boys are mean–make it personal

3) Read “It Does Not Matter If You Are Black Or
White” by Dr. Brenda Joyce Sanders, and see if the kids can pick out the stereotype in the book.

4) Ask the children to identify the group of people who the stereotype is unfair to and how it might impact that group.

5) Paint or draw a picture that illustrates a solution to this group of people being stereotyped.

6) Remind students that they are a part of the solution every time they choose not to stereotype

This lesson can be adapted to any age group.


1) Buy “It Does Not Matter If You Are Black Or White” by Dr. Brenda Joyce Sanders–The children’s book everyone should read–Available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble

2) As a team, pick out the offense(s) with racial overtones in the book.

3) Pass out big notecards to each person.

4) On the front of the card, have each person write a time when they were offended. Have each person identify which of 4 categories the offense falls into:

The offense had racial undertones

The offense was a stereotype

The offense was an assumption

The offense rehashed a traumatic experience

Give an example of the category you choose.

5) On the other side, have each person write about a time when he or she offended someone. Have the person answer: How could the person have addressed the offended person differently or asked clarifying questions to eliminate the offense.

6) The facilitator should collect the notecards.

7) Read the offenses from some of the cards asking the audience to guess which of the 4 categories named above does the offense fall into.

8) Read some of the cards from the other side asking the audience for a response to the remedy.

9) Talk about what was learned from the activity as a group, and then have members or employees share 1 thing they will do differently.